Selasa, 28 Desember 2010


     Do you feel time is flying by too fast? I do. I really do. Hmmm it seems like “Hey it was yesterday I just celebrated and said Happy New Year 2010 to all friends and now………….2011 is coming, in front of my eyes! Geez @_@

     Actually 2010 was not my year. I didn’t get better in many ways. Still with many bad behaviors, I mean. And I wasted soooooooooo many times for such unimportant things, regret huh? -_-. So due to 2011 will be a very important year in my life (I’ll face the national exam and some tests to get to university) I made this resolutions. What are they? Let’s check this out……

  • First of all, I want to be more obedient to my only Majesty God, Allah SWT. To always do everything Allah SWT has commanded and to keep away from everything that has forbidden. I made uncountable sins during my life- Astaghfirulloh
  • I want to graduate from Senior High School with the best score, become a general champion and then TO BE ACCEPTED IN FACULTY OF NURSING UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIA . AMIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNN (Gosh! I’ve been dreaming about this every night)
  • I need to be more mature (it’s enough being selfish and childish one. I’m 17th and have to stop act like I’m not!)
  • TO STOP BEING LAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • To always making my-super-great-parents proud J
  • This one is kinda impossible, but nothing impossible right? Haha……………….BE ABLE TO WATCH A ROCKET TO THE MOON CONCERT (they’re going to Indonesia on 14th May ’11 and I adore them. Very much. But you know…..a little problem with money and permission :P)
  • To do many more kindness to others. HELPING IS ALWAYS GREAT THING!!!
  • To be taller and bigger (I do look like a 13rd) -_-
  • To be more more and more clever.
  • To stop being single and got a boyfriend………..Haha *just kidding*, it’s not quite important. I mean I am PERFECTLY FINE BEING SINGLE!

I think that’s all guys……….. wish me a very luck to complete them at all.

Regards, Lia-


A little story about love life, may I? Let’s start………….

Setiap orang pasti punya “someone special” ya kan ya kaaaaaaaaaaan? I have (cieeeeeee). Bukan, bukan, dia bukan pacar gue apalagi mantan pacar gue haha. Dia cuma temen gue, lumayan deket sih (dulu) but nothing special between us. Inisialnya A dan jangan harap gue keceplosan nyebutin namanya, it’ll never happen!!
Hmmm……gue suka sama dia since I was in the 9th grade. Sekarang gue udah kelas 12 dan taraaaaaaaaaa gue masih suka sama dia (oke ralat gue masih suka banget sama dia -_____-) jadi yaaaaa udah 3 tahunan lah hehehe. Kalo ditanya kenapa gue suka sama dia, gue juga bingung kenapa malah kadang-kadang gue mikir dia pake pelet apasih sampe gue gak bisa berenti suka sama dia (oke ngawur) ha ha. Dia gak ganteng-ganteng banget (tapi gak jelek-jelek banget juga sih ya!), gak pinter-pinter banget juga tapi……………DIA BAIK. That’s it. DIA BAIK. BANGET. SAMA GUE. Sampe-sampe gue ngerasanya gak pernah ada cowok yang sebaik dia baik sama gue---got it? Ya gitu lah.

STUCK. IYA BANGET! GUE STUCK SAMA DIA. Gue gabisa berenti suka sama dia. Kalo lo buka buku-buku gue pasti deh ada nama dianya haha (I always write his name on my paper book when I get boring in the class) terus I used to check his facebook too haha suka sakit hati kalo statusnya dia lagi “in a relationship” sama cewek daaaaaaan asal tau aja itu sering banget sampe rasanya gue udah kebal juga lama-lama haha sedih yak ------“. TERUS GUE NGAREPIN APA? Jadi pacarnya dia? No. no, no itu gamungkin banget deh asal tau aja I had gave up to be with him for so long ago. Tapiiiiiiiiiiii kalo someday DIA KHILAF ATAU ADA KEAJAIBAN dia nembak gue, gue juga gak bakal nolak sih hahaha *digampar*. Actually gue cuma pengen deket lagi sama dia karena semenjak pisah sekolah dia kayaknya udah lupa tuh tuh sama gue huaaaaa. Terus gue juga pengen someday dia tau perasaan gue ke dia hahasikdah, tapi jangan sekarang-sekarang ini juga I haven’t ready yet hoho. Over all gue seneng kok suka sama dia hmmmm apa ya adore someone or something……it’s fun right? Gue juga gak tau kapan bisa berenti suka sama dia. But I BELIEVE SOMEDAY THERE MUST BE SOMEONE TAKE HIS PLACE AND STAND BESIDE ME. That's when I stop loving him. 
Ini gambaar-gambar yang gue bikin di paint kalo lagi galau dan gak ada kerjaan hehehe

A very xoxo


Gue kecil imut banget! Iya kata orang sih gue kecil banget tapi kalo kata gue pribadi, gue bukan kecil banget tapi IMUT BANGET (brb muntah), hmmm gak bakal ada yang percaya kalo gue 17 tahun, menyedihkan memang. Perlu bukti? Nih ………

*ketemu om-tante yang sudah lama tak jumpa*
Om : Lia udah gede ya sekarang, kelas berapa?
Gue : Kelas 3 SMA om
Om : Hah 3 SMA? Dikirain masih SMP

*pas mau bikin KTP di kelurahan*
Bapak-bapak : Dek mau bikin KTP ya?
Gue : Hehe iya pak
Bapak-bapak : Emang umurnya berapa?
Gue : 17 tahun lah masa 53 tahun gue bikin KTP (dalam hati) -- Umur saya 17 tahun pak
Bapak-bapak : Oh dikirain 12

Daaaaan dari semua kejadian yang sangat amat sering terjadi pada diri gue, kejadian yang kaya gini yang paling bikin sakit hati…….
*di kantin, ditabrak adek kelas*
Adek kelas : Eeh ehh sorry ya DEK……..(pergi begitu saja)
Gue : ENAK AJA GUE KELAS 12 MON*ET!!!! (dalam hati karena gue begitu terpana dipanggil seperti itu)

Terus juga yang paling gaasik karena lo harus kudu mesti wajib baris di paling depan pas upacara bendera……….sebenernya sih gak masalah paling lo cuma gabisa ngobrol doang (walaupun gue tetep ngobrol juga sih haha peace bapak-ibu guru) tapiiiii masalahnya tuh gue bosen baris di depan! Bayangkan! Dari TK, SD, SMP gue baris di paling depan mulu terus SMA gue juga harus baris di depan? Ha ha gak ada maju-majunya hidup gue doooong……

“Kenapa lo kecil? Emang lo gak pernah dikasih makan sama bonyok lo li?”
Hem iya sebenernya gue gapernah dikasih makan, gue disiksa mulu kaya TKW TKW di Arab…….hahahaha YA NGGA LAH
Oke langsung aja. Gue prematur. Iya prematur. Itulooooooh yang orang-orang sering bilang “Back to prematur..”, oke itu nature li! Hahaha jayus. Kembali ke jalan yang benar……..prematur adalah keadaan dimana seorang bayi dilahirkan pada saat usia kandungan ibunya belum mencapai 9 bulan. Yak bener banget……..jadi gue dilahirkan oleh seorang wanita yang paling cantik di bumi ini (mama) pas dia lagi hamil gue 8 bulan. Kata mama ngelahirin gue tuh gak kerasa apa-apa (eh sumpelo?!) iya soalnya gue kecil banget. Believe or not berat gue pas baru lahir itu gue segede botol aqua (ya Allah) nah maka itu gue harus diinkubator biar tetep anget badannya. Saking kecilnya gue pas bayi, bokap gak berani gendong gue karena takut kenapa-napa (kasian yak gue yak) huhu  terus juga nyokap memutuskan untuk berhenti dari pekerjaanya (mama waktu itu bekerja sebagai guru BK di sebuah SMA di daerah Depok). Mama mau focus ngurusin gue yang sangat fragile ini HAHA. By the way so sweet sekali ya mamaku…….luph yu pull deh ma

Banyak orang yang bilang kalo anak prematur itu kalo pinter ya pinter banget tapi kalo -maaf- bodoh ya bodoh banget .  I don’t mind tapi mudah-mudahan sih gue termasuk yang pertama ehehehe AMIN (aminin dong lo!)
Nah jadi menurut gue salah satu factor kenapa gue begitu kecil emm maksudnya begitu imut amit karena gue lahir prematur, oke factor lainnya takdir mungkin. Tapi apapun itu, prematur kek kondaktur kek donatur kek gue wajib ngucapin ini


I hate today, Mom ………..
Because today is your birthday
Because today you’re getting older
Because birthday means your ages become decreased even the number is increased
Because I see your hair turning white in every single day
Because I haven’t repaid yet anything you has done
Because today you’re going to be what I hate you to be…………

Aku benci hari ini, Mama  …………
Karena hari ini adalah hari ulang tahunmu
Karena hari ini kau bertambah tua
Karena ulang tahun berarti umurmu berkurang walaupun angkanya bertambah
Karena aku melihat rambutmu mulai memutih di setiap harinya
Karena aku belum membalas segalanya yang kau telah lakukan
Karena hari ini kau akan menjadi apa yang aku benci darimu jika kau menjadi demikian……….

Dedicated to my-super-Mom
“A very happy birthday to you, you’ll always be on the top of my pray-list J”
Your naughty daughter, Lia-

My Damn-Lovely Self

Hello worlds! It’s my first posting. Hmm…. I actually don’t know what to be written -_- but how about start it with introduce my self? It isn’t a bad idea, right?
My name is Lia Nuramalia, but Lia is alright. I’m a seventeen years old girl even my body shows I’m not -_____- (but you have to trust me!). I was born in Kuningan, West Java on 24th October 1993 (see, I told you I am 17th). Now I’m a student in 12 Senior High School Jakarta and I’m in the 3rd grade. Social or science? Yes, I got science class.
How’s my self? Hmmm……. I LOVE BEING ALONE too much. It must be a weird thing, right? Yes sometimes I also think I am a weird one hehehe. I have a super great family ever! I’ve two brothers and believe it or not sometimes it’s not easy to be the one and only daughter in your family. I always dream having a sister. Imagine how great it is if you had a sister! You can share about everything with her (include the privacy thing), then you can lend and borrow some clothes each other too and also doing some shops together. Oh gosh it’s gonna be nice, isn’t it? But that was just a dream. Yeah I wake up and back to the fact……. It’s somehow difficult to share about your problem or your privacy to your brothers really (yeah you know…..some shy feeling or something like that). And maybe it’s one of thousand reasons why I do love being alone. Therefore, having brothers IS NOT ALWAYS A BAD THING. I mean it! I do feel I’m protected by them J and they always help me, ALWAYS! So I thankful to my only Majesty God for sending me such a very super great family. My parents? Don’t ask, cause I have no words to explain how much I love them and all the things they’ve done for me couldn’t be equaled by anything.
I love to learn about everything. I’m not an ambitious one but I always try to get what I do want, got it? I love music, novels, comics, and movies. They teach me about a lot of things in this world indirectly. And too I love WRITING. That’s why I made this blog hehehe. I love writing especially in English. Don’t know why but I always think that the words in English, they’re just……… beautiful. Don’t you think so?
Like a human, I’ve soooooooo many bad behaviors too :P. I’m a selfish one really and it’s hard for me to trust to someone else. I am difficult to share about me, about what’s on my mind to others, even they’re my friends. And I feel comfortable to do all the things by my way (well you know sometimes it’s not work, sometimes my way isn’t the best). But whatever I am, whoever I am THAT IS ME! I’ll never want to change my self to be someone else but I keep trying to be better. To be better in many ways surely. Then just wish me luck guys and thank you for reading :) :) :) (Waiting patiently for my next posting).